Digital Credentials

Bridging the Credential Gap: How TruSkillsForce Aligns Employer Needs with Digital Credentials

Bridging the Credential Gap: How TruSkillsForce Aligns Employer Needs with Digital Credentials

Bridging the Credential Gap: How TruSkillsForce Aligns Employer Needs with Digital Credentials

Oct 10, 2024

Bridging Skills and Credentials for Employer Alignment
Bridging Skills and Credentials for Employer Alignment
Bridging Skills and Credentials for Employer Alignment

In today’s dynamic job market, companies are increasingly looking for new ways to ensure they hire the right talent. One key challenge, however, is the gap between the types of credentials that are being provided and the actual needs of employers.

As more institutions and platforms race to offer digital credentials and Learning and Employment Records (LERs), the critical question remains: are these credentials designed with clear demand from the labor market in mind?

The Aspen Institute’s recent report on employer engagement with Learning and Employment Records highlights a critical issue in this space. According to the report, many credential providers are creating products without a clear understanding of the labor market’s needs.

This misalignment often results in credentials that lack value for employers, who are the key stakeholders in the hiring ecosystem. The paper argues that "credential providers are designing products for which there is unclear demand"​(Employer-Engagement-in-…). Even when learners eagerly adopt digital credentials, they may not carry the weight or trust needed in the eyes of employers.

This disconnect between credential providers and employers creates a credential gap—one that TruSkillsForce is actively working to bridge.

Understanding the Credential Gap

The credential gap refers to the difference between what credential providers offer and what employers find valuable. For employers to embrace digital credentials in their hiring process, they need to trust that these credentials are reliable and reflect real-world, job-ready skills.

Unfortunately, as the Aspen Institute points out, many existing credentials don’t meet these expectations, leading to hesitation among employers when it comes to adopting LERs for hiring or upskilling initiatives.

Without the confidence that a credential represents a candidate's true capabilities, employers are less likely to rely on them when making critical hiring decisions. This results in employers reverting to traditional hiring practices, which often involve scrutinizing resumes, conducting lengthy interviews, and even performing additional background checks—all of which are time-consuming and costly.

How TruSkillsForce Bridges the Gap

TruSkillsForce was developed to address this exact issue. At its core, TruSkillsForce is designed with a deep understanding of employer needs. We don’t just create digital credentials for the sake of it—we create verifiable, job-ready skills-based credentials that align with what employers are truly looking for. Our approach involves close collaboration with businesses and employers to ensure that the credentials we issue carry real value in the workplace.

Here’s how we bridge the credential gap:

  1. Employer-Driven Credential Design: At TruSkillsForce, we collaborate with employers during the credential creation process. This ensures that our digital credentials reflect skills that are directly relevant to job roles. Employers know best what competencies they need in their workforce, and by involving them from the start, we design credentials that align with those needs. This guarantees that the credentials are not only trustworthy but also actionable for employers when making hiring or promotion decisions.

  2. Verifiable and Trustworthy Credentials: One of the key reasons for the credential gap is the lack of verifiability in traditional resumes or certifications. A piece of paper or a digital certificate does not necessarily guarantee that the holder possesses the skills it claims. This is where TruSkillsForce stands out. All our credentials are backed by blockchain technology, making them tamper-proof and easily verifiable. Employers can trust that the credentials presented to them are accurate and reliable, reflecting the true capabilities of a candidate. This builds confidence in digital credentials, encouraging wider adoption.

  3. Skills-Based Hiring: TruSkillsForce focuses on skills-based hiring, an approach that is gaining traction in modern recruitment practices. Instead of relying on vague qualifications or years of experience, skills-based hiring allows employers to evaluate candidates based on their proven abilities. By using TruSkillsForce, employers can access a pool of candidates who have verifiable, job-ready skills, saving them time and resources in the recruitment process.

  4. A Reliable Ecosystem: TruSkillsForce is more than just a credentialing platform—it’s an ecosystem. Our platform is built to support both learners and employers. For learners, we provide the tools they need to develop and showcase their skills in a way that’s recognized by the job market. For employers, we offer a reliable system for identifying and hiring talent that meets their specific needs. This holistic approach ensures that the credentials we issue have value at every stage of the employment process.

The Value for Employers

For digital credentials to be effective, they must provide real value to employers. This value comes from knowing that the credential represents verified skills that are directly applicable to the job at hand. TruSkillsForce makes this possible by ensuring that every credential is not only trustworthy but also relevant to the roles employers need to fill.

Employers can trust TruSkillsForce credentials because they are:

  • Verifiable: Using blockchain technology, TruSkillsForce provides immutable credentials that employers can verify instantly.

  • Relevant: By designing credentials in collaboration with employers, we ensure that the skills represented are those that are in demand in the current labor market.

  • Efficient: With TruSkillsForce, employers can streamline their hiring process by focusing on verifiable skills rather than relying on traditional, outdated methods of assessment.

By addressing the credential gap, TruSkillsForce is helping to shape the future of work. Our digital credential ecosystem provides both learners and employers with a solution that aligns with the needs of the modern workforce.


The Aspen Institute’s paper on Employer Engagement in Learning and Employment Records emphasizes the need for clearer alignment between credential providers and employer expectations, particularly in the section on "Unclear Demand"​(Employer-Engagement-in-…). To learn more, you can access the full report here: Aspen Institute Report.

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